3 Key Factors to Consider When Selecting an Industrial Vibrating Table

23 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Investing in vibrating tables can be pretty helpful for bulk material-handling processes. They help resolve uniformity concerns during bulk packaging of materials in bags or containers. These vibrating tables help with material compaction, densification, settling, and de-airing when paired with bulk industrial packaging systems. 

However, before investing in vibrating tables for your industrial plant, consider these crucial factors to find the ideal one: 

Consider the Size of Your Vibrating Table

Before choosing the ideal vibrating table for your industrial plant, determine your application's size, daily output and budget. An undersized vibrating table can considerably impact your plant's profitability. Ideally, small tables will significantly reduce production capacity due to limited space. 

Conversely, opting for large-sized vibrating tables can be costly but perfect for plants with ample floor space. Therefore, if you want to maximise your results, determine the output levels from your setup per unit time. For instance, assess your daily production goals and find the most appropriate table size to help you attain your objectives. 

Choose the Type of Vibrating Table

Industrial vibrating tables come in different types, and this is one aspect you should keep in mind when shopping. However, the two primary types include flat and grid deck vibrating tables. Usually, the flat deck vibrating tables feature linear upward and downwards vibration movements. 

Due to this, they are considered ideal when you want to achieve uniformity during material compaction and densification. Additionally, you can alter the tables' vibration intensities by adjusting their motor speeds or controlling the air flowing in their pneumatic systems. They are less costly and ideal for manual applications. 

On the other hand, grid deck vibrating tables are custom designed to adapt to operational requirements. Typically, they are suitable if your plant already has a roller conveyor system. In particular, manufacturers should design grid tables that fit their roller conveyor system. While they serve similar purposes as flat deck tables, grid deck vibrating tables have excellent efficiency but are relatively pricey due to the roller conveyor functionality.

Find Out More About Compatibility 

Last but not least, when choosing the ideal industrial vibrating tables, assess their compatibility with your existing systems. For instance, it's common to find vibrating tables connected to other essential systems like loader ramps or conveyor belts. 

Therefore, look into what your industrial production requires and pick a vibrating table that will function seamlessly with existing equipment. Additionally, determine whether you'll require pairing your vibrating table with tracking and testing tools like accelerometers before purchasing.   

Talk to an industrial supplier to learn more about vibrating tables